Free Sales Goal Tracker

Track your sales progress and determine your daily interaction needs using a precise sales target formula to help you achieve your sales targets efficiently.




  • Delta

  • $27,000.00

  • Daily Sales Target

  • $900.00

  • Remaining Sales Needed

  • $27,000.00

  • Percent of Target Achieved

  • 46

  • Days Elapsed

  • 14

  • Projected Sales

  • $70,642.86

  • Remaining Daily Sales Needed

  • $900.00

To achieve your sales goals, how many daily interactions (calls/visits) do you need?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this sales target calculator?

This sales target calculator will generate custom targets you can assign to your team of sales reps. If you like, you even have the option to have these sent directly to you and your rep’s inbox as a PDF.

Is this sales target tracker free?

Yes, this is a free sales target tracker intended to help you divide your company’s sales goals into manageable monthly objectives for reps to aim for.

How does this free sales target calculator work?

Based off the information you provide, this calculator provides a linear breakdown of how each rep on your team should be performing every month to meet your sales goals within the desired timeframe. Initially this will present as an even split, but obviously an organisation will have high and lower performers, so you are able to adjust the split to align with the effectiveness of individual reps before publishing your targets.

Why is it important to set sales targets?

Setting effective sales targets has been shown to greatly influence motivation and results achieved by a sales team, which ultimately makes them more likely to achieve company objectives.

What types of sales teams are these targets suitable for?

This sales target generator is suitable for sales teams of any size, operating within almost any industry, whether you are aiming to set sales targets for real estate agents or creating targets for reps to sell vehicle parts.

How can I rally my team to reach these targets?

Targets are supposed to motivate your sales team. For the best results we recommend first assessing how achievable your generated number is for the average rep on your team.

If your targets are achievable, the next thing to do is implement strategies to motivate your team, for ideas on this, we recommend taking a look at these articles.

My sales targets seem high, what should I do?

There are a few levers available to you to make these more achievable.Outside the obvious of either increasing staff, reducing your end target, or extending the desired time frame, there are actually other options available to you.

The most powerful and cost effective measure would be to get better sales results from your existing staff before hiring more reps or resorting to lowering your expectations. If you are interested in learning how, be sure to download our free sales performance enhancement blueprint.

How can I keep my team on track to meet these targets?

Outside of setting an effective and achievable goal, the critical success factors for reaching an ambitious sales target are all in the utilisation and management of your sales team.The mission critical elements to remember are:

1. Focusing your team on your goal.
2. Give them the tools needed to reach the goal and a roadmap to making their target.
3. Motivate and engage your reps on the mission

To do this, it can take a lot of time and skill, and we’re sorry to say, but your CRM just isn’t going to get you there. They’re made for managers, not getting reps to close more deals. The real cheat code to unlocking the points above easily for your business requires a sales performance app purposely built for sales reps. Click to learn more.

Numerik: The Ultimate Field Sales App for Maximizing Team Productivity & Performance

Get started today to crush your sales targets tomorrow.

Once Numerik is synced with your CRM, you are ready to get started towards crushing your goals! With an intuitive interface and dedicated support team, you will be on your way in no time.