Sales Tools & Technology

How Numerik gives sales reps value and improves sales performance

Jonathan Hubbard
Jonathan Hubbard
March 1, 2024

First and foremost, Numerik is designed to be a sales rep’s go-to tool for sales performance management, customer insights, and data entry. Sales managers can use the app to track rep performance against set targets and view rep notes instantly - but how exactly does Numerik give value to your sales reps? 

In this article we’ll unpack with examples three reasons why Numerik gives sales reps value.

Value for sales reps: more selling time, less waiting, and more focus

Cuts out administrative time-sinks and increases a rep’s selling time

With over 5 million search results for ‘how to get sales reps to use crm,’ on Google, it’s clear that poor sales CRM engagement among reps is a chronic problem. CRMs are a great, powerful tool, but they don’t give sales reps instant access to relevant features or insights to help them close more deals or manage their sales performance.

As Daniel Roberts of Tradelink explains, his reps were disengaged from the CRM because it wasn’t giving them the information they needed to make better decisions and sell more. His team needed help: “Help me reduce my admin. Help me increase my conversions.”

To cut out admin and reduce time spent on non-sales activities, Numerik gives reps the ability to make quick multi-media sales notes against customers. Designed to work like a social post, these sales notes can be shared with managers and the wider sales team, who can react/comment on the post, ultimately providing a growing record of info saved to each customer. 

Built to be easy to use - insights in a rep’s pocket

In the heat of a customer meeting, reps need sales insights on hand to support their case and show their credibility. Of course, they could get these insights from a BI tool, provided they curate the latest data, identify the sales opportunities, and type/write it up… before the meeting. Do your reps have time for that?

Carl Fowler’s sales department started using Numerik in late 2021, and praises the app’s ease-of-use. His West Europe sales manager agrees, despite having used Salesforce and other tools, Numerik is the simplest to use. 

Check out the quick clip below to see how quickly and easily a rep can find customer and product insights starting from the homescreen:

Shows reps their current and future earning potential with live commissions

Commissions are a massive motivator for sales reps: who wouldn’t like to have the power to directly influence their potential earnings? Unfortunately, having the luxury to instantly view your current commission, or future commissions is a luxury few reps have.

With Numerik, sales reps can see their commissions update in real-time when customer orders come through, and can adjust sales forecasts to show them their potential future earnings. 

Both Carl and Daniel agree that Numerik’s live updating and forecasted commissions have saved them hours, and helped motivate their reps to get more sales from their customers, especially when tied to forecasting. Daniel says “A salesperson can see instantly on their phone what happens to their incentive if a customer orders more. Seeing their incentive dollars ticking up in real time drives salespeople to use forecasting.”

Zero admin sales notes, quick easy access to sales insights, and live-updating commissions linked to sales forecasts are just three Numerik features which give reps value. In another post we’ll explore how Numerik’s other features, including customizable sales targets, sales gap insights, and glanceable reports can give you and your sales team extra value.

“The team love Numerik. They say, ‘If you're going to invest in a new tool, just make it as easy to use as Numerik, because Numerik helps me do my job’. If someone was on the fence about choosing Numerik, I’d send our most change averse salespeople to speak to their team. Because when even the tech cynics in our team are using it and being advocates for the tool, that speaks volumes.” - Daniel Roberts, Tradelink

Click the following links if you’d like to read more about Daniel and Tradelink’s Numerik journey, or Carl and Quin Global’s Numerik story.

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