Sales Team Motivation & Management

How can a sales leaderboard motivate your team (sales motivation)

Jonathan Hubbard
Jonathan Hubbard
March 1, 2024

Sales leaderboards are tools which can boost sales motivation by displaying rep performance against their peers. Additionally, sales leaderboards can create healthy competition, help build company culture, and guide your reps towards successful sales behaviors. 

Let’s see how a simple sales leaderboard can help you motivate your sales team to greater success!

Why every sales team should use sales leaderboards to motivate reps

Competition drives sales motivation: leaderboards show the score

It’s mid year, and you’re struggling for ways to reinvigorate a stale sales campaign. Even your best reps are struggling: sales motivation is low. 

A company’s front line fighters, sales reps are passionate, determined, and enjoy a competitive environment. Unfortunately, without motivation, a rep’s performance begins to stagnate, as they begin to slack off. Luckily, if sales motivation is dwindling, you can use a sales leaderboard, and gamification to turn your sales campaign into a competition.

Gamification applies game playing concepts, like leaderboards, points, or scores to non-game situations to make them more engaging. Essential for nearly every competition type, leaderboards show who the winners are, and who’s on the up. Using this simple principle to stir up existing competitiveness amongst reps is a great way to boost sales motivation: especially if there’s a prize.

Use sales leaderboards to build a supportive, tight-knit company culture 

Mistrust, jealousy, conflict: these problems borne from poor company culture can seriously affect sales motivation. If the workplace isn't nice, reps won’t be keen about working there!

Sales leaderboards can help you create a more supportive and tight-knit company culture through transparency. Sharing rep performance with the team is a great way to break the ice and facilitate interaction: if the leaderboard shows someone is clearly struggling, it’s simple to ask if they need a hand. 

By using a sales leaderboard to create transparency, you’ll take the first step into creating a workplace where reps feel motivated to do their best, knowing they have the support of their colleagues.

Encourage successful sales behaviors

While your top reps consistently exceed their targets, you can see others struggling to adapt their sales strategy to each customer. There’s nothing more demotivating than trying everything you can to succeed while others seem to succeed without trying.

To revive sales motivation, you can use sales leaderboards, and activity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to coach your reps into more successful behaviors. Begin by selecting the specific sales techniques you know bring greater success and assign targets to them: these could include sales meetings per product sector or targets by product category. You can now create a KPI leaderboard which shows rep performance against their peers for each KPI, adding a competitive element to the journey for better sales results. 

By guiding your sales team towards more consistent and successful behaviors, you’ll find that satisfaction and sales motivation increases as each rep finds their stride and starts earning higher commissions. 

Ultimately, a sales leaderboard is a versatile tool which you can use to generate competition, build a better workplace culture, and guide your reps to greater sales success. If you’d like to see a sales performance app which uses leaderboards for not only rep competition, but also customer performance and revenue breakdowns, click here.

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