Sales Data Analysis & Reporting

3 Essential Metrics to Strengthen Your Sales Relationships Through Customer Data

Jonathan Hubbard
Jonathan Hubbard
March 1, 2024

Building robust sales relationships goes beyond the routine practices of sending monthly newsletters, commemorating birthdays, or offering substantial discounts—although these gestures are universally appreciated. However, the real depth of sales relationships is often overlooked, with Sales Reps frequently defaulting to CRMs when considering the use of customer data to enrich interactions. A more impactful strategy lies in utilizing data to initiate meaningful conversations. This article unveils three key sales metrics, derived from customer data, that Sales Reps can leverage to enhance sales relationships without disclosing sensitive company details.

Leveraging Customer Context for Stronger Connections

Revenue Swing: Understanding Yearly Expenditure Fluctuations

Facing challenges in deciphering the reasons behind a customer's erratic or stagnant year-on-year growth? Identifying these patterns is crucial for leveraging the full potential of your customer relationships. The Revenue Swing metric, a cornerstone in sales data analysis, facilitates dialogues around the overarching trends impacting a customer's purchasing decisions by comparing their monthly revenue year-on-year.

An approach might include discussing observations such as, "We've noticed a trend in your spending with a decrease from March to June, yet an increase from September to December. Could this be related to budgetary restructuring?" This metric not only paves the way for customized sales strategies but also enriches the CRM database with actionable insights for future engagements.

To calculate the revenue swing, compare the monthly revenue generated by a customer in the previous year with the corresponding month in the current year to identify the year-on-year variance.

Quantity Swing: Insight into Purchase Histories

Struggling with pitches that miss the mark, despite having detailed purchase histories? The Quantity Swing metric offers a granular view of a customer's purchasing patterns, comparing their monthly purchase volumes year-on-year to unveil trends of growth or decline.

By inquiring, "Could you share how current market demands are influencing your order volumes? Are there new projects on the horizon?" Sales Reps demonstrate a vested interest in the customer's operational challenges and preferences. This depth of understanding strengthens sales relationships, enabling the delivery of tailored product recommendations.

To determine the quantity swing, organize a customer's purchases from the previous year into a 12-month history and compare it on a month-by-month basis with the purchases made in the current year, in order to detect any increases or decreases.

Average Unit Price Swing: Product-Level Pricing Dynamics

When sales teams have access to customer data and SKU pricing but still face reduced order sizes, additional context is needed. The Average Unit Price Swing metric illuminates the specific pricing changes affecting purchasing behaviors, comparing SKU prices year-on-year.

A conversation starter might be, "We've observed a notable decrease in your usual SKU purchases. Are there new sourcing strategies in place, or are other factors influencing your purchasing decisions?" This metric fosters a comprehensive understanding of customer preferences and market dynamics, crucial for strategic sales planning.

To find the average unit price swing: Compile the prices of SKUs purchased by a customer last year, and juxtapose these figures with this year's prices for the same SKUs to identify any price changes.

Data-Driven Strategies for Enhanced Sales Relationships

With the right customer data at their fingertips, Sales Reps are equipped to foster insightful conversations at any engagement level. However, the challenge often lies in efficiently accessing these insights. Sales performance apps like Numerik are revolutionizing this process, consolidating critical sales metrics and enabling on-the-go access without compromising sensitive data.

In essence, targeted sales metrics can profoundly enhance sales relationships, provided the conversations aim at achieving personalized, mutually beneficial outcomes. If navigating these metrics seems daunting, consider exploring how a tailored demo can illuminate these insights, transforming your approach to sales strategy and CRM integration.

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